We had some fun times and some very slow times in August. Our Senior FHE was an
organ r
ecital at Balboa Park. So thankful that there was an intermission. Guess what we did? and no one knew the better.
Blessing family's lives |
The second week of the month, Lucy and Rachel came to spend a few days with us. I remember in our welcome letter from the mission president it said, "family is welcome to come...and they will come!" We had a blast while they were here. We went to the temple (ran into a few of Mike's RHS students there), went to the beach and hotel on Coronado, rode bikes on Mission Beach, went to Sea World twice, and had a fun birthday dinner for Lucy at a kitschy place--Corvette Diner, where we spent lots of tokens playing air hockey and that roll-the-ball-into-the-ring game.
We had a heart breaking month with one of our favorite marines who has just fallen off of our radar. Cancelling, no contact, etc. It has helped us understand what our young missionaries feel when they lose an investigator. We will keep texting and trying and praying.
There is a new guy at the brig. He is dark-skinned, about 6'5" tall, with a very deep voice. Intimidating at first, but as kind as he could be. He is from the Virgin Islands and has a beautiful lilt to his speech. He is not a church member, but he loves the Bible, so he comes to our lessons on Wednesday nights.
A phone call took us to Balboa hospital to visit a young mom whose baby was admitted for failure to thrive. The poor little guy (7 months old) looked like a baby bird. He was so tiny and weak that he could hardly hold his head up. The mother insisted there was nothing wrong with him, that he was just small. As it turns out, child protective services got involved and placed the baby in foster care. The mom is getting counseling and fighting the courts. Military life is not easy for families! It is a sacrifice for service members and spouses alike.
Every other week or so, we volunteer at the USO (United Service Organizations). Sometimes we work at the airport helping guys/gals as they come in for some food or rest between flights, and sometimes we work at an office/food pantry/play place that is downtown. Mike will man the front desk there and I get to do story time with the kids. The moms like to visit while the little ones play, get read to and do a little fun craft. I really enjoy our time there.
C'mon, really? |
Dogs are everywhere! We have barker beneath us, and a serious howler across the way from us. It starts at 8 a.m. and yelps all day long! So annoying. The walkway behind our apartment heats up with the sunshine and smells so strongly of dog urine that our apartment stinks. On weekends, we
might get a little funky because marijuana fumes come through the air ducts. Dude!
August ended wonderfully with a visit from some of our favorite ward folks. Bruno and Amie Gerber met us at The Midway and took us to lunch. It was so great to spend some time with them. Even though I LOVE church with the recruits, I left my heart in Riverton Park Ward.
We are carrying on. The church is true! We are so grateful for the gospel!
We love our visitors |