We are still trying to figure out just what it is we should be doing. Everyone tells us..."this is your mission." So we've been making lots of phone calls to stake presidents, bishops, and chaplains. We need to get some ward directories so we can identify the military members and contact them. We went to our "home ward" today. The meeting REALLY made me miss our ward choir (if you catch my drift!)
We had our first few official missionary experiences as well. The guy who hooked up our internet left with a Book of Mormon
https://www.mormon.org/free-book-of-mormon, and Mike, er, Elder Johnson got to teach a lesson to a few Marines.
Our balcony view |
We have enjoyed getting out in the sunshine each day. We have our own little balcony off of our apartment. You can see that we are living luxuriously. It causes just a smidge of guilt...
Admiral Baker military golf course just beyond the swimming pool